中文 (中国)
Encoder Ottici MicroE
Encoder Rotativi (Angolari)
Encoder Lineari
Bilance per Nastro e Vetro
OEM Encoder Solutions
Sensori induttivi
Serie IncOder™
Encoder angolari Ultra IncOder
IncOder CORE Encoder di Angolo Leggeri
Sensori di Posizione Rotativi per OEM
Sensori di Posizione Lineare per OEM
Esempi di sensori personalizzati
Motori ad Azionamento Diretto
Motori Rotanti Senza Telaio
Motori Lineari Senza Telaio
Stadi di Trasmissione Diretta
Soluzioni OEM per Motori
Servoazionamenti EtherCAT
Servoazionamenti CANopen
Servoazionamenti SPI
Servoazionamenti serie Capitan
Servoazionamenti serie Everest
Servoazionamenti Everest S
Mandrini con Cuscinetto ad Aria
Perforazione e Instradamento PCB
Mandrini per Atomizzatori di Rivestimento
Industriale Leggero – Mandrini di Precisione
Motori passo-passo intelligenti
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Liberty MDrive lineare
MDrive Plus rotante
MDrive Plus lineare
Azionamenti passo-passo intelligenti
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Nuovi prodotti per il controllo del movimento
Aura Serie
Encoder Ottico Assoluto
Capitan Serie
Serie Everest S
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Motori a Presa Diretta
Ultra IncOder Serie
Encoder Induttivi
IncOder CORE
Encoder Induttivi
Satcom e UAV
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Select Product:
Encoder ottici MicroE
Sensori induttivi
Motori ad azionamento diretto Applimotion
Motori passo-passo intelligenti
Force Torque Sensors
Mandrini con cuscinetto ad aria
General Technology
1. What are optical encoders?
2. How can we get our project up and running even faster?
3. What are the best practices for mounting a glass scale to a titanium hub?
4. How does absolute position feedback work?
5. Where can I find datasheets and interface drawings for a legacy product?
6. What is the difference between absolute encoders and incremental encoders?
7. What is the difference between a kit encoder and a fully packaged encoder?
8. What optical encoders work in vacuum environments?
9. Are there downsides to a talbot imaging based optical encoder?
10. What determines the talbot plane (the z-height between the scale and the readhead)?
11. What types of rotary encoders does Celera Motion offer?
12. What is the difference between Magnetic vs. Inductive vs. Optical Encoders technology?
13. How does scale eccentricity or bearing runout affect angular error?
14. What adhesive should be used to mount a scale on a hub?
15. Is it possible to remove an adhesive-backed tape scale and then reuse it?
16. What solvent should be used to clean scales?
17. How is the encoder output frequency specified?
18. What is meant by the Celera Motion specific term “Megastate”?
19. How does resolution, accuracy and repeatability effect position feedback in a control system?
20. What is MMA and how does it work?
21. How is resolution determined for an application if the customer does not know the performance requirements?
Can't See an Answer?
If you have a question that is not answered within our FAQs please get in touch and our team will be happy to help.
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Product Specific
1. Where can I access the SmartPrecision software for Aura?
2. What should I do if the Aura P optical window or scale gets dirty?
3. How does Aura P handle scale mounting eccentricity and bearing runout?
4. Can Aura P linear glass scales be cut in the field?
5. I just received an Aura P, now what?
6. How can I get a quote for Aura P?
7. Where can I find supporting documentation for Aura P?
8. What problem does Aura P solve?
9. What is Aura P?
10. What is the accuracy of Aura absolute encoders?
11. Where can I access the SmartPrecision software for the SS200x, SS300x, and SS350x interpolators?
12. I have installed SmartPrecision II and connected to the host PC through the ATMII5000 alignment tool but I am seeing an error message in the software. What is causing this error message?
13. Where can I access the SmartPrecision software for Mercury II?
14. For the Optira encoder, why does the analog version not need calibration, whereas the digital version requires a calibration step?
15. Are the communication protocols offered with Aura Series absolute optical encoders supported by Ingenia servo drives?
16. What is the difference between the Aura Series optical absolute encoder chip model part numbers AUR-R-B-0002-WP and AUR-R-B-0003-WP?
17. How many Aura Series absolute optical encoders can be BiSS daisy-chained?
18. How can I achieve up to 22 bits of resolution from the Aura absolute optical encoder?
19. Is the Smart Precision software included in the purchase of a Mercury II encoder?
20. Is the alignment tool required for installing the Mercury II optical encoder?
21. How necessary is the calibration process for the Aura absolute optical encoder?
22. What is the biggest source of angular error?
23. Why do Mercury optical encoders use a laser in the sensor readhead?
24. What communication interfaces are supported by the Aura absolute optical rotary encoder?
25. How do I know if the Aura absolute optical encoder is within alignment tolerances?
26. If the Aura absolute optical encoder is within alignment tolerances, is calibration necessary for the published accuracy specification?
Can't See an Answer?
If you have a question that is not answered within our FAQs please get in touch and our team will be happy to help.
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